Posts tagged with "pub"

Irish-style root vegetable soup
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 17. August 2023
I try to always make one big "soup of the week" for meal planning throughout Winter and Autumn. This week it was my favourite irish pub soup, which contains an array of hearty root vegetables, which nourishes the body through a cold spell. It also brings back wonderful memories of Ireland, sitting down at a little round table with a bowl of hearty soup and thick cut brown bread to the side.
People · 17. July 2020
When masses of random people come together to do anything in a unified fashion, the results can be pretty epic. When the Australian social organisation called "Pub Choir", which invites hundreds of people to sing together in harmony, was faced with the Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing, it decided to take the choir online so we could all sing from a social distance.