Posts tagged with "recipecommunity"

Coconut and Sweet Potato Soup
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 14. June 2023
This soup has become one of my favourite comfort soups. When the coconut and sweet potato come together, it becomes a buttery soup. It's hard to explain the loveliness of the flavour, so really you must taste it and find out for yourself!
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 19. March 2019
I love to make this when my tomatoes are in abundance and the great thing about it, is that its not fussy on the type you have, so mix them all up to make this sweet sauce. I have gifted this for christmas and its really been popular, I've run out again.

Country Kitchen & Recipes · 05. March 2019
A couple of weekends ago we had a fun weekend at the Yinnar Community Garden, where I showed a lovely bunch of people how to make my Garden Glut Pickles during a "Kitchen Pantry" workshop, which is a series of 5 workshops to be held up until May, funded by the Latrobe Health Assembly and facilitated by the volunteers of the garden and neighbouring ARC Art Gallery.
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 12. February 2018
All the "Back to School" hype of the last couple of weeks led me back to the cookbooks and trolling the internet for some healthy style snacks for the lunch boxes. One of my sons tends to be a "grazer" so I figured some light bread style muffins filled with vegetables from the garden might be just what was needed.