Every Spring there is a beautiful space that I like to visit down one of these red dirt country roads that are everywhere around us. Visiting a giant circle of 100 year old daffodils and quietly enjoying the sunshine streaming through the trees.
It's a small block of land in the middle of the bush that used to house a tiny country school room, where all the surrounding local kids would presumably walk down to every day to learn their lessons.
Its an amazing light filled space, and with permission by the land owner of course, we have enjoyed having a run around, picking the ancient double daffodils, jonquils and snowdrops, possibly sent from England to adorn the gardens of these school houses.
The space has a lovely energy, with a big old oak tree sitting in the middle, the base of the tree circled with these amazing fragrant flowers.
Where the Daffodils Grow.....
With permission from the currently landowners, two years ago I dug up a handful of these old bulbs and planted them in my own garden.
This year they bloomed for the first time and were wonderful. The flower heads bloomed better than those at the schoolhouse, so maybe the change of place did a good job of preserving them for diversity.
I hope these fragrant blooms will spread around my garden and propagate for a long time to come
So I always visit when it gets to a certain time of year, and enjoy the blooms, the green lush grass comes alive with all the scented flowers, then in a matter of a few short weeks, they are all gone again, a sign Summer is finally on its way.
It's blooming happiness may be fleeting but at the very least, it's still enjoyed by a few.