Posts tagged with "easy"

Gluten Free Bread Pretzels Recipe
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 14. October 2024
Happy October! Since its the time of Oktoberfest and Halloween, I thought I'd share my Gluten Free Pretzels recipe that I created earlier in the year. I love that this Wildsourdough bread flour was able to help me create a gluten free version of the pretzels that I love. Enjoy the recipe and enjoy October!
Apple and Pistachio Gluten Free Tea Cake
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 03. April 2023
When I had captured my prized Bramley's in my arms I raced back to the country kitchen only to find I really wanted to make an apple and pistachio tea cake, and could not find any inspiration in all the regular places. So I made up a very simple recipe and it worked so well that I am sharing it here.

Dusted Jam Drops Recipe (Gluten Free)
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 30. August 2021
So here it is, jam drops for everyone, even those with coeliacs disease. The recipe is fairly simple, with the addition of almond butter and flax meal, the biscuit crumb is a little denser, crunchy on the outside, chewy in the middle, and less powdery than usual. I used homemade mariposa plum jam for the middle. Needless to say, they were gone in a couple of hours!
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 27. October 2020
It is also widely known as Barnbrack, and Bairín Breac. Traditionally, the loaf that's baked is quite large and would be used in a fortune telling game. Many different charms with all sorts of meanings used to be placed in the dough before baking, for example, whoever got the gold ring would be next to marry!

Country Kitchen & Recipes · 28. June 2020
Here are the super easy snickers-like vegan chocolate bars I made over the weekend. Healthy, well "healthier" than the store-bought, they are filled with fruit, nuts and delicious dark chocolate. High fibre and filled with nutrients, these bars are rich and sweet, but also are satisfyingly filling, so one is really enough!
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 20. October 2018
Well this is an old recipe given to me, its basic and turns out beautiful and delicious. I varied it only by adding some lovely fresh cooked beetroot from the garden, which adds a lovely almost Turkish Delight flavour to it, and its handy for getting

Country Kitchen & Recipes · 30. March 2018
Well this is an old simple chocolate cake recipe given to me from the 1930's, its basic and turns out beautiful and delicious. I varied this time by only by adding gluten free flour instead of regular flour, I use the "Lauke" Gluten Free White Bread /Biscuit/Cake Flour, which acts very similar to regular wheat varieties.
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 19. January 2018
How to make a Mango Lassi Smoothie from India. Easy simple recipe using local Hill tops hives Honey from Gippsland.

Country Kitchen & Recipes · 20. November 2017
I have to say I'm on a real porridge kick lately, after discovering and feeling first-hand the benefits of buckwheat grains. By "activating" the grains overnight, it provides a lovely nutty flavour thats high in amino acids, great for your tummy and serotonin levels, meaning it actually does make you feel full and happy!
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 17. February 2017
I might be letting you in on a little secret here but I make Pesto all year round. Even though we live in a spot where we get rather cold (and icy) winters, I use whatever greens I have on hand to make this "Kitchen Pesto" recipe. The great thing about this recipe is that you will be living the dream of having year round pesto, but also your body will love you for eating the greens available in your garden, giving your energy a boost! There is also an option in the recipe to substitute the...