Simple, simple things can be hard to replicate when you are baking gluten free. Gluten free flours can be quite crumbly and hard to hold together, the lack of gluten is usually the problem! I love to make homemade biscuits over highly processed store bought ones, and using my own handmade jam would be a bonus so I set about finding a sturdy gluten free biscuit recipe (which I eventually found in an old CWA book) and adapting it to be gluten free!

So here it is, jam drops for everyone, even those with coeliacs disease. The recipe is fairly simple, with the addition of almond butter and flax meal, the biscuit crumb is a little denser, crunchy on the outside, chewy in the middle, and less powdery than usual. I used homemade mariposa plum jam for the middle. Needless to say, they were gone in a couple of hours!
- 110gms soft butter
- 1/2 cup raw sugar
- 1 egg (or 2 fairy silkie eggs if small)
- 1 and 1/2 cups of self-raising GF flour
- 1 tablespoon almond butter
- 1 tablespoon ground flax meal

- Preheat oven to 180 degrees
- Cream butter and sugar
- Add egg (with one spoon of the flour so it combines easier) and beat well
- Add almond butter and flax meal to combine
- Add flour and combine.
- Roll into balls and place on baking paper laid on flat oven trays
- Use floured thumb make a well in the middle of ball
- Add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of jam into each well, careful not to over fill
- Put in oven for 15 - 20 minutes, until jam is just beginning to bubble and base is biscuit is becoming golden.
- Take out and cool
- Dust with icing sugar before serving

Be careful not to burn the biscuit or jam when you are baking them in the oven. Watch them carefully towards the end through that oven window. The middle is a little chewy, but melts in your mouth and besides, thats where the jam is! Don't over fill the jam, or you will end up with a soggy biscuit, remember that a little jam goes a long way. I found that the jam held well on the biscuit, did not sink through and was delicious!
Enjoy with friends and a cup of tea.
Happy Baking! - EMC

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